Things I know to be true (2016)
Eating a burrito in the Festival Theatre foyer hair in a half-up half-down
Watching umbrellas & people blow through the door looking for E and her mother
Are they wearing furs? Where are they? E loves the theatre doesn’t come late
Two girls walk past in Year 12 jumpers & I never went to my five-year reunion
Hung up these portraits on the wall have no names on them are we supposed to care?
The play is Things I Know to be True & someone has a ticket for me I assume
To say thank-you I order three glasses of Sauvignon Blanc but forget to get one for myself
From the balcony I oversee a roomful of chairs inflate into a room full of eyes
Gin says that she just finished The Beginning of Spring translated from the Russian
Viv says the stage lighting is supposed to be fantastic & I want to agree but hesitate
T never had any formal training as an actress but her father is the lighting designer
P points out that her last name is hyphenated in the program nonetheless
I cry in T’s monologue & E passes me her glasses because she knows
I struggle in low-light looking far away into the distance